Sunday, May 8, 2011

On Friday night, we davened Kabbalat Shabbat under the stars in the streets of Tzefat. After tefillah, we joined host families for dinner. We all had some new and interesting experiences. After long, long, long Shabbat dinners, we finally walked home and ran into some Israeli soldiers on the way back to our hotel. The next day (Saturday), we went to morning tefillah at a local synagogue and then we walked around the Jewish quarter where we saw ancient and modern sites. All of the places we went to had super gorgeous views. We then had some time to rest (as in - took Shabbat naps) since we were all really tired. After naps, we got to meet the Kabbalistic artist, David Friedman, which was really cool (if you want to learn a new word in Hebrew… cool is “Sababa,” yup that was our word of the day) because we got to find out how each of his pictures had a different meaning and each thing in the picture represented for something. We also found out how Kabbala relates to all of his pictures. Then we went to seudat shlishit and afterwards we had a group havdalla back at our hostel. We then walked into town and had pizza and ice cream :DDD which was really yumm. After our time out in town, we came back to pack up our things. The next morning we spent some more time, in the city of Tzefat, looking at different synagogues and shopping in the market place. We spent time looking at all the art work, jewelry, and clothes. It is such an amazing place. All the shops are on cobble stone allies with people walking and talking in every which direction. It is so exciting! Then we went to the candle factory to look at creative wax/candle figures. That was really cool to see.

Before we left the city we went back to the hotel, got our luggage, and packed the van.

From there we went to the children’s ward of Tzefat’s Zieff Hospital to hand out cards and candy to the children and anyone else we saw who could use some cheering up.

We spent the remaining part of the afternoon traveling south to the Negev. It was amazing to see the desert for the first time. It was miles upon miles of no buildings or construction or whatever.

On route, we stopped off at Morah Ahuva’s house where we were well fed, got to hold her baby chicks, and relaxed on her hammock.

We finally arrived to our new hotel, settled in and then went out again for a Yom Ha’Zikaron tekes (a Memorial Day ceremony). It was an incredible and emotional experience. Now we are going to get some rest for our big day tomorrow. Happy mother’s day to all the mommies out there! We wish we could be there in person to tell you how much we love you! Goodnight.
-Shira and Sofia

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